The words we use, the sentences we say, the thoughts we think . . . all have an impact on our emotional states.  

Recent scientific discoveries have proven that emotions become moods and moods generate habits. 
Good and bad!

Our emotions (positive and negative, tense, stressed or relaxed and cheerful) create responses in the body:  the bioelectricity of our nerves and muscles, plus the chemistry in tissues surrounding our organs and the secretions of our glands.  For better or for worse!*

Thinking happens; we just can't help it.  We all do it.  We talk to ourselves all day; from the moment we awaken, to the last thought before we sleep.  No, we're not crazy, we're normal.  We're human! 

Some Self-Talk is life-enhancing; however, much can be detrimental to our health! 

Learning to control habitual thoughts can be a huge challenge for some.  To others, it comes naturally.

The difference between us is that some of us are aware that what we think can be a choice we make, rather than an automatic knee-jerk reaction. 

Knowing that we are in charge of what we say when we talk to ourselves is the beginning; understanding why it is so important, is the next step.  

Changing any thinking that is not life-enhancing is a learned behavior modification that we can all practice.  

Doing it - and reaping the rewards . . . now, that's the Goal!
Here's how to achieve it . . . 

Articles to Read all about Essential Health Habit #7 - Self-Talk:

What to say to yourself; and what NOT to say, if you want to become and stay healthy -

Web Links:

One of the most respected behavioral researchers of our time, Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D., is the best-selling author of thirteen books in the field of personal growth, self-talk, self-esteem, personal programming, and goal-setting.  Dr. Hemstetter's ground-breaking classic, What To Say When Your Talk to Your Self, literally revolutionized the field of personal growth and motivational psychology.

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